Narrative frequency in the structure of feature film
Repeating, Narrative, Repeating narrative, Film structure, Cinematic narrative, Point of view narrative, The narrator, Recurring narration, Multiple narration, Cinema storyAbstract
Our current research studies the technique of narrative frequency in the structure of the narrative film, as one of the most controversial narrative techniques in the narrative systems in general and the cinematic film in particular. Section I of this paper presents the research problem, which is centered around the question: What are the narrative, semantic, and aesthetic dimensions of employing the technique of narrative frequency in the structure of the narrative film?
The second section covers two topics. In the first topic, entitled "Narrative Frequency: The Term and the Concept", the researchers addressed the concept of narrative frequency and its manifestations in the narrative medium. In his encyclopedic and comprehensive study of the narrative theory, the critic and theorist (Gerard Gent) made an attempt to develop an integrated concept of the narrative frequency in all systems of narration, including cinematic discourse as one of the highly complex story systems due to the nature of the narrative medium and its ever-renewable potential.
The second topic entitled "The Structure of Narrative Frequency in the Film Tale", deals with the nature of the relationship between the narrative frequency and the controlling point of view. Here, the concept of frequency is related to another, more complicated issue, namely the changing of the angle or perspective from which the events are viewed. So this topic will be a cinematic subject dealing specifically with the narrative frequency in the narrative film and its forms through the film examples. The most prominent result reached was that the narrative frequency is related to the ideological viewpoints of the characters, who see the facts from their point of view. The narrative frequency also created semantic, philosophical and ideological dimensions added to the events presented on the screen, opening the way wide for interpretation by the viewer.